Friday, July 5, 2013

Crunch of the Day is changing!

Due to time restraints and research timing, I have decided to change the Crunch of the Day to Crunch of the Week. This will allow me to concentrate more on the entire blog, not just one portion. Also, I can go more into detail in my posts. Keep checking the site, the Crunch doesn't set off email notifications. So if you have been waiting for me to post new ones, you probably have missed a lot. I will leave the ones I have up alone, no sense in changing those. I will just go weekly now. I am not sure which day I will post, it may vary, so make sure you keep checking back.

I am also thinking about doing a recipe portion in the blog. It would be great to share recipes my viewers have created or love to make. You can send me your recipes at Include your name (first only is fine) so I can credit you in my blog. I would love to see some exciting new things!