Now, lets get to the good part....what I ordered. Because they have no blended drinks nor cold coffee, I got a regular cup-o-joe. They have self-serve coffee with optional 2% milk or half and half. (Those of us with a lactose intolerance are SOL it will seem.) They also provide honey and organic sugar for sweeteners and cinnamon and something I assume is cinnamon sugar seeing as how nothing but the milk was labeled. I decided to get something to eat, to complete the experience, and purchased a lemon yogurt cookie.All of this came to $4.35, eat in tax included. The coffee was 2.50 so 1.50 for a cookie the size of my fist (and I have small hands) is not a good start.
The coffee is bold and nutty with definite traces of bitter dark chocolate (which I find altogether pleasant). The cookie is.....well lemony. The yogurt gives it a crisp, freshness about it, but it still is a little dry. The combination isn't bad at all, though the prices are a bit steep for a cup of coffee and a cookie. I would want to revisit this place. It is quiet and seclusive enough for my anti-social personality. I highly recommend stopping by, if just to glance, at their market items. They strongly promote local products, like Snowville Creamery. (Their chocolate milk is AMAZING.)
Even though I kinda like this place, there are some down points. No espresso at a coffee shop should be a sin. They might want to rethink having their pastries in a refrigerated case with no containers or wrapping. Finally, and this is not something they can control, their parking options are the worst! I am a horrible person when it comes to backing up and their parking lot makes me cringe. So, for the whole experience, I give it 3.75 stars. I really like espresso.
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