As few know, my mother is practically obsessed with White Westies. She even goes as far to name the one on her desktop. If she could, she would have a White Westie farm. However, seeing as how her residence isn't equipped to support a bazillion little fluff ball pups, my sister and I did the next best thing: have a Westie-themed surprise birthday party for her. Now, this back story is to lead up to the main point of this post. Because every birthday would not be complete without a cake....I made her a chocolate cake with a White Westie on it. I used a template (provided by my sister) and spread 3 layers of white icing over it. I let it set for a few minutes and slowly removed the template. I found a neat little trick on youtube with fondant for square cakes. Take a paper towel that doesn't give off lent, like Viva or something, and add a little bit of water. Ring it out thoroughly until its just damp. Lay it on top of the cake and smooth it down with a fondant smoother or your hand. Do the sides, corners and edges for a clean-cut feel. It looks a lot better and helps remove any excess powdered sugar. It turned out perfectly. The chocolate fondant tastes like a chewy tootsie roll, but I mainly use it for looks. I did a simple white border around the bottom and voila, White Westie cake! The cake itself is chocolate with a chocolate fudge frosting. Though it was a waste of white icing, it was well worth it to give my mother a cake I knew she would love. For questions about this or any other of my works, or for more information about my cake making, leave comments below.
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